Poll Shows Clinton and Trump within 3 Points
St. Louis, MO – A new statewide poll by Public Policy Polling shows an increasingly competitive race in Missouri for president. Donald Trump receives 45% support to Hillary Clinton’s 42%, with 13% undecided in a poll of 947 likely Missouri voters.
The poll, conducted by Public Policy Polling on August 8-9, 2016, was paid for by Protect MO Families as part of its ongoing research and voter education efforts. The last statewide Missouri poll by Public Policy Polling was conducted on July 11-12, 2016, and showed Clinton down by 10 points.
Hillary Clinton has said ‘Right to Work’ legislation is “wrong for workers and wrong for America.”
An online version of this release can be found here.
Protect MO Families is a broad-based coalition of organizations and individuals who have come together to support middle class families and oppose unfair policies such as so-called “Right to Work” and Prevailing Wage repeal efforts in Missouri which would reduce wages and benefits.