During the last two weeks of the session, The Missouri Times will bring you hourly updates of floor activity for each chamber. Below is all the activity in the Senate from Thursday, May 11.
6:00 Hour
Sen. Eigel continues his filibuster.
Sen. Trent withdrew his motion
The Senate is in recess until 10:00am, Friday May 12th
5:00 Hour
Sen. Eigel continues his filibuster. Sen. Eigel noted an absence of a quorum
4:00 Hour
Sen. Eigel continues to read from the Life and Times of Ronald Reagan. Sen. Eigel stopped reading and began to talk about sports betting.
3:00 Hour
Sen. McCreery continued her inquiry of Sen. Beck. Sen. Beck inquired Sen. Gannon and Sen. Black. Sen. Beck inquired Sen. Carter and Sen. Coleman. Beck inquired Sen. Crawford.
Sen. Koenig offered a substitute motion that the senate refused to concur on HS for SB 96
Sen. Arthur and Sen. Beck both inquired Sen. Koenig.
The motion carried.
Sen. Trent motioned for HCS for SB 275 be taken up for adoption.
Sen. Eigel spoke on the motion and began reading from The Life and Times of Ronald Reagan.
2:00 Hour
Sen. Bernskoetter motioned that CCR of SB 109 be moved for third reading and final passage. The bill was passed 20-14.
Sen. Schroer motioned that HCS for SB 398 be taken up for adoption. Sen. Moon inquired Sen. Schroer. Sen. May inquired Sen. Schroer. The bill was adopted 27-6.
Sen. Schroer motioned that HCS for SB 398 be moved for third reading and final passage. The bill passed 26-7
Sen Eslinger motioned that HCS for SB 138 be taken up for adoption. Sen. Hoskins inquired Sen. Eslinger. The bill was adopted 28-5.
Sen Eslinger motioned that HCS for SB 138 be moved for third reading and final passage. The bill was passed 28-6
Sen. Koenig motioned that HS for SB 96 be taken up for adoption. Sen. McCreery inquired Sen. Koenig. Sen. McCreery inquired Sen. Beck.
1:00 Hour
Sen. McCreery inquired Sen. Black.
The CCR of SB 17 was adopted 31-3
Sen. Black motioned that SB 17 be moved for third reading and final passage. The bill was passed 29-5. The emergency clause was adopted 26 – 8
Sen. Bernskoetter motioned that the CCR of SB 111 be taken up for adoption. The CCR of SB 111 was adopted 33 – 1.
Sen. Bernskoetter motioned that the CCR of SB 111 be moved for third reading and final passage. The bill was passed 33-1.
Sen. Rehder motioned for the HCS of SB 40 be taken up for adoption. Sen. Arthur inquired Sen. Rehder. Sen. Moon inquired Sen. Rehder. The bill was adopted 32-2
Sen. Rehder motioned that the HCS of SB 40 be moved for third reading and final passage. The bill was passed 32-2.
Sen. Bernskoetter motioned that the HCS of SCR 7 taken up for adoption. The HCS of SCR 7 was adopted 32-0.
Sen. Bernskoetter motioned that the HCS of SCR 7 be moved for third reading and final passage. The bill was passed 33-0.
Sen. Bernskoetter motioned that CCR of SB 109 taken up for adoption.. Sen. Moon inquired Sen. Bernskoetter and Sen. Brattin. The CCR of SB 109 was adopted 21-13.
12:00 Hour
Sen. Luetkemeyer motioned that SB 189, 36 & 37 be moved for third reading and final passage and that HA1 of the bill be adopted.
Sen. Rizzo inquired Sen. Razer.
Brattin inquired Sen. Luetkemeyer. Sen. Arthur also inquired Sen. Luetkemeyer. Sen. Williams inquired Sen. Luetkemeyer as well. Sen. Brown inquired Sen. Luetkemeyer. Sen. Beck inquired Sen. Sen. Luetkemeyer.
HA1 for SB 189, 36 & 37 was adopted 31-2.
Sen. Luetkemeyer moved for HA2 for HA1 of the bill to be adopted. Sen. Rizzo inquired Sen. Luetkemeyer.
HA2 HA1 for SB 189, 36 & 37 was adopted 32 – 2
SB 189, 36 & 37 was passed 30-4
Sen. Bean requested a point of personal privilege to tell a story about his father.
Sen. Bernskoetter motioned that the CCR of SB 20 be taken up for adoption. Sen. Fitzwater inquired Sen. Bernskoetter. The CCR of SB 20 was adopted 32-0
Sen. Bernskoetter motioned that the CCR of SB 20 be moved for third reading and final passage. The bill was passed 32-1
Sen. Black motioned that the CCR of SB 17 be taken up for adoption. Sen. Brown inquired Sen. Black. Sen. Moon inquired Sen. Black
11:00 Hour
Sen Brattin inquired Sen. Schroer, Sen. Razer and Sen. Brown.
Sen. McCreery inquired Sen. Coleman.
Sen. Moon inquired Sen. Brown and Sen. Luetkemeyer.
Sen. Razer inquired Sen. Hoskins, Sen. Gannon, Sen. Crawford and Sen. Moon.
Sen. Moon inquired Sen. Brown again.
The CCR of SB 186 was adopted 29-5. Sen. Phelps motioned for the CCR of SB 186 be moved for third reading and final passage. The bill passed 29-5.
10:00 Hour
President Pro Tem Rowden inquired Minority Leader Rizzo to recognize a few senate workers.
Sen. Bean motioned for HB 202 to be moved for third reading and final passage. The bill was passed 32-1.
Sen. Brown motioned for the CCR of SB 186 be taken for adoption. Sen. Brattin inquired Sen. Brown and Sen. Luetkemeyer.
Senate gavels in
The legislative day got underway shortly before 10:30 A.M.