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Schlafly seeks to reassert control over Eagle Forum

ST. LOUIS – The infighting apparent within the conservative interest group known as the Eagle Forum took another turn Tuesday morning.

In the early hours, Ed Martin, who may or may not still be the president of the Eagle Forum depending on who you ask, sent out an email to members of the Forum containing a message from the founder, former president and figurehead of the organization, Phyllis Schlafly.

Schlafly notes that the board of directors of the organization did indeed meet last week, but states that she “objected to its validity.”

“I’m still in charge,” she said.

Six members of the 11-member board of directors however, including Schlafly’s daughter, have insisted that Martin is out as president. The tumult that has resulted from Schlafly’s endorsement of real estate mogul Donald Trump for president in March, just before the presidential primary in Missouri. Many traditional conservatives support Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and members of the Eagle Forum believe she may have been manipulated into endorsing Trump.

However, some of those “rogue board members” as Martin and Schlafly have called them have instead insisted their ousting of Martin is an objection to his style of management and that Martin is using his position as a mouthpiece of Schlafly’s while taking control of the group.

Regardless, the schism within the forum could have a large impact on the conservative scene. Schlafly is known nationwide as a conservative leader, and for her defeat of the proposed Equal Rights Amendment mainly through her work with the Eagle Forum.

Schlafly says in the video that Eagle Forum is a “terribly important player in the whole political scene.”

“We’re cooking and I hope you’re with me all the way.”