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Opinion: Claire McCaskill attacks Missourians who are critical of her campaign

By Cindy O’Laughlin

I own a business and I’m critical of Claire McCaskill. My neighbors are, too. She has a history of retribution against private citizens that have grown tired of her long political career. It often makes us wonder who will be next.

On Labor Day weekend, Senator McCaskill again attacked a Joplin businessman that opposes her progressive agenda. Like us, he’s a Missouri employer. And one of her constituents. From her own bully pulpit, she attacks him as if he is on the ballot against her. He isn’t.

Democrats often talk about “dark money” (only when its spent against them, not for them). McCaskill often reminds us why some Missourians don’t get involved in the political process or publicly oppose her. Often, donors give to anonymous campaigns to fund campaigns for or against candidates. McCaskill gives us a clear example on why sometimes donors want to remain anonymous, by attacking a private citizen who has chosen not to be.

With the way McCaskill has treated some of her constituents that are business owners (like us), it makes us wonder if she really has the best interests of Missourians in mind.

Just last week, McCaskill took to the airwaves, telling men they should “Just shut the hell up.” If I said something like that as a candidate or as a Republican, the news media would attack. Instead, progressives celebrate McCaskill’s snarky personality as charming. I think she is just plain nasty.

Claire McCaskill has been in Washington, DC way too long. Perhaps she attacks everyone she can to distract from her own record, or perhaps to avoid people talking about the remarkably disastrous record of her husband. Instead of attacking her own constituents, McCaskill could focus on the things that matter to us: Making healthcare affordable again, approving the appointment of the president’s nominee to the high court and pushing back against illegal immigration.

The time for Claire McCaskill to go is now. She is a political survivor, but this year, I hope her luck has run out. For business owners like us, it could not happen soon enough.

Cindy O’Laughlin is the co-owner of Leo O’Laughlin, Inc. and a candidate for state senate in Northeast Missouri.