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Campaign finance complaint against Vescovo dismissed by MEC

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. — The Missouri Ethics Commission has dismissed a complaint against the Majority Floor Leader of the House.  

The complaint filed with the MEC alleged that Rep. Rob Vescovo used campaign funds for fuel, lodging, and meals while also receiving a General Assembly daily per diem and mileage per diem.

The final action on the complaint details Missouri statute that allows campaign committee funds to be used for ordinary expenses related to candidacy, ordinary and necessary expenses incurred in relation with the duties of elected office, and expenses related to entertaining or providing social courtesies to constituents or other holders of elected office. The Missouri Constitution and Missouri statutes provide that members of the House shall receive daily expense and mileage allowances.

“Representative Vescovo provided evidence that in addition to legislative per diem allowances, committee funds were used in relationship to his candidacy for office, duties as an incumbent State Representative for District 112, and the House Majority Leader,” the dismissal letter states. “From the facts presented, the Commission finds no reasonable grounds exist to support a violation of the Chapter 130, RSMo, and dismissed the complaint.”