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Commissioner Nelson honored with national award

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – Commissioner Doug Nelson of the Office of Administration received the 2016 National Walton Leadership Award from the National Association of State Chief Administrators on Thursday at the organization’s Institute on Management and Leadership in Olympia, Washington.

The award recognizes state administrators for their work. Potential awardees are nominated by other chief administrators and the award is selected based on in-state accomplishments, service, and leadership throughout their career.

“It is truly an honor to receive this award from my fellow state administrators and NASCA members,” Nelson said. “During my time as Commissioner of the Missouri Office of Administration I have remained dedicated to improving state services for our citizens, creating a better work environment for state employees, and ultimately increasing the efficiency of state government.”


Gov. Jay Nixon also chimed in to congratulate Nelson on the honor.

“Doug Nelson has served tirelessly during his time with the Office of Administration and during his more than 25-year career of public service with the State of Missouri,” Nixon said. “As Governor, I have been fortunate to have him by my side as a member of both my administration and my cabinet. I have witnessed firsthand his work ethic and dedication to Missouri government firsthand, and I am happy to see him recognized by his peers for his efforts.”  

Nelson has served as president of the National Association of Chief State Administrators since 2015. The organization brings together state chief administrators and public officials from the 50 states, the District of Columbia and the U.S. territories.