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Brown introduces expansion of ‘stand your ground’ legislation 

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. — Sen. Justin Brown has introduced a bill to broaden the scope of Missouri’s castle doctrine and “stand-your-ground” laws.

Currently, the castle doctrine and stand your ground laws apply broadly to property but are vaguer in terms of behavior on a public sidewalk — for example, the McCloskey case from 2020

“Missourians primarily rely on ourselves for protection first, and we have seen firsthand that the right to defend your home and family extends out from just your house. By the time someone is off the sidewalk and actually onto your property it might be too late,” Brown said. 

SB 1229 would allow Missourians to extend a right to use deadly force in self-defense to the land surrounding a house, residence, or dwelling.

Under current law, Missourians may use deadly force to protect themselves and others from violent attacks. They may also defend themselves against individuals unlawfully entering their vehicle or other private property. 

Brown’s office has cited protecting Second Amendment rights and the now-infamous McCloskey case as inspirations for the bill.

Mark McCloskey is currently a Republican candidate for U.S. Senate

“Your property line doesn’t stop a bullet shot from the sidewalk,” said Mark McCloskey. “I commend Sen. Brown for his work to strengthen the castle doctrine and Missouri’s stand your ground law.”

Last year, the McCloskeys pleaded guilty to harassment and assault charges for waving their guns from their porch at a group protesting on a sidewalk near their home in St. Louis in 2020. The couple was later pardoned by Gov. Mike Parson

“SB 1229 fixes this to ensure everyone’s Second Amendment rights are not being taken. If you feel threatened at your home, you should be able to defend your family and your property. Just because someone is on the sidewalk, they should not be able to threaten you and your family,” Brown said.