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Opinion: Our communities deserve a fighter like Lucas Kunce in the Senate

Every election has consequences.

Right now around this country, we’re seeing just how dire those consequences can be.

Which is why we have to sound the alarm. It’s not just enough to go vote. We need to vote for candidates who are beholden to us, the real people that make this state great.

In 2022 here in Missouri, we have a chance to take back a Senate seat for working people. And we firmly believe that Lucas Kunce is the only capable candidate not just to take on the GOP but to take on the broken system in Washington that has decided Missouri doesn’t matter.

Lucas Kunce has put in his time serving our country — 13 years in the U.S. Marines defending our freedoms. He comes from the same situation that so many of us have come from — a working class family that lived paycheck to paycheck, struggling to make ends meet. We’re so tired of the Senate being a club where all the wealthiest Americans hobnob over policies that will have no impact on their lives whatsoever. This state deserves a working-class candidate who will put Missouri first. When we elect Lucas to the Senate, he’ll be one of its least wealthy members. That matters.

With so many rights and liberties at stake in this election, we have to get serious. We need a fighter on our side who can really win this thing. A fighter who can take on the GOP and fight for everyday Missourians who’ve been betrayed by an unjust political system that caters to the wealthiest families in America and leaves the rest of us with table scraps.

We can’t recycle the same tired campaign our Democratic Party has become so accustomed to over the last decade. You know why? Because it doesn’t work.

This isn’t just about electing someone who will represent us — this is about sending someone to Washington with a clear and unequivocal message that is inclusive, that is centered on working people, and that isn’t morally compromised by big money or corporate industries that have ruined communities like ours for decades. We’re proud to be behind someone who isn’t taking corporate PAC money or using his own money to pad his campaign coffers. We’re behind someone who’s running the right way — with a diverse grassroots movement behind him.

And for us, here’s what’s most important. Lucas is the only candidate who’s been showing up in our communities. We both represent majority Black districts and no Democrat can win this election without the support of our community. Votes aren’t bought — they’re earned. And Lucas is doing the work to earn our votes by showing up, by campaigning on investing in communities like ours that have been gutted by corporate interests, and most importantly, by listening to us and hearing how policy can make or break our lives. We can’t remember the last time a Senate candidate was so invested, and it shows.

It’s time Missouri had a working-class Senator who isn’t afraid to fight for us. Someone with the guts to stand up to the establishment and break the status quo. That’s Lucas Kunce.