JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. — House Speaker Pro Tem John Wiemann’s local government transparency bill passed out of a committee Tuesday afternoon.
The House Committee on Local Government voted 11-1 to pass the bill. It has now been referred to the House Rules – Legislative Oversight Committee, but Wiemann is confident it will make it onto the House floor “within the next week.”
The proposed legislation, HD 1933, would establish the Local Government Transparency Database under the Office of Administration. This would allow citizens to easily access information on a city or county’s financials.
The database would be voluntary for cities and counties, unlike a similar piece of legislation proposed by Wiemann last session.
“We’re excited that the bill has passed the first round of hearings,” Wiemann said. “I expect it to pass out of Rules and onto the House floor within the next week.”
He also said he expected the bill to move into the Senate by the second week of February.
The bill also gives voters an avenue to request a city or county to participate. Five percent of the registered voters of a jurisdiction voting in the last general municipal election can require a county or city to participate, the bill states as it stands now.
Cameron Gerber studied journalism at Lincoln University. Prior to Lincoln, he earned an associate’s degree from State Fair Community College. Cameron is a native of Eldon, Missouri.
Contact Cameron at