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Press Release: Tony Harbison running for southeast Missouri state representative

Arcadia, MO – Tony Harbison, a lifelong Missourian and a staunch conservative, is proud to announce his candidacy for state representative. Running as a Republican, Harbison is committed to preserving the rural way of life, defending Second Amendment rights, and ensuring that Missouri’s values and traditions are upheld in the state legislature. The district includes Wayne, Shannon, Madison, Reynolds, Iron, Washington, and Bollinger counties. He will appear on the Republican primary ballot on August 6th.

Tony Harbison’s campaign is built on a solid foundation of conservative principles and a deep commitment to the community. As a self-made business owner in Missouri’s tree industry and president of the Iron County Farm Bureau, Harbison brings a wealth of experience and leadership to his candidacy. His dedication to public service and community development is evident through his active roles in various local organizations.

“I am running for state representative to protect and defend our conservative rural way of life,” said Harbison. “Our community deserves a representative who will fight for our rights, invest in quality education for every child, and support our farmers and small businesses. I am committed to ensuring that our voices are heard in Jefferson City.”

Harbison’s mission is clear: to defend Missouri’s conservative values and improve the quality of life for all residents. His campaign focuses on key issues such as expanding access to high-speed internet, improving rural infrastructure and roads, and supporting the agricultural community. Harbison understands the challenges faced by rural Missourians and is dedicated to finding practical solutions.

“Our community needs reliable infrastructure and access to modern technology to thrive,” Harbison added. “I will work tirelessly to expand high-speed internet access and improve our roads, ensuring that our rural areas are not left behind. We must invest in our future while preserving the best of our past.”

With over 40 years of marriage to his wife, Jan, Harbison’s family values are at the core of his campaign. He is a proud father of two and grandfather of six, and his dedication to family and community is unwavering. As chair of the Iron County Soil and Water Board and the Iron County Republican Central Committee, Harbison has demonstrated his ability to lead and advocate for his community effectively.

“I am committed to representing our community with integrity and dedication,” said Harbison. “My experience as a business owner and grassroots leader has prepared me to take on the challenges we face and to make a positive impact in the state legislature.”

For more information, please contact the campaign at or visit the Facebook page Tony Harbison for Missouri.

“I’m working hard to preserve the best of yesterday and build a better tomorrow with proven conservative values,” Harbison concluded. “Together, we can ensure a brighter future for our community and state.”